Heartfelt way to pregnancy

Fertility Workbook 

We don’t have to be alone.

 WHO IS THIS Workbook FOR?

The Fertility Journey

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or already have been trying to become a parent for a while these templates are FOR YOU.

You have been reading a lot of clashing blogs, forums and books

You already experienced miscarriage(s)

All you can think about is getting pregnant

You have no idea if you want a baby

Everybody around you is getting pregnant but you

You want to know how you can increase your chances

You are over 35 and cannot wait anymore

You want to understand what your options are

This workbook is NOT for you

You think fertility-related companies trying to take advantage of your pain. Or you believe you have tried everything and read all the latest research out there.

Learn scientific facts

We haul through the internet from the moment we know we want to become pregnant and looking for answers. Unfortunately internet is full of false information.

Find what is best for you

We are all following a different path for the same result. Maybe you have already tried for a long time or maybe you are not even sure you are ready for this.  In this course, you will discover what your options are.

Surround yourself with empathy

Fertility journey can easily become a lonely journey. We will share tips to help you keep happy and sane. This platform can become your safest place to share your concerns with others without any judgements.

It is time for us to TALK about what doesn't work and HOW we can make it work or make it OK.

You want to hear first when the workbook is released? Then sign up for the waiting list here.

women together