Pregnancy Combo Kit – 3 months pack


In this pack, you’ll get 9 pregnancy test sticks and 30 ovulation test strips. This pack will help you to track your cycle continuously for three months.

We cross our fingers with you that you’ll not need all of them!

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Pregnancy tests are great for women who would like to know the result for sure and allow themselves to test before their period arrives. We know the two-week wait (TWW) can be dreadful to know your result. The simple test stick will tell you the result and you can have peace of mind by checking on a daily basis. If you are pregnant your HCG level will increase and the resulting stripe will get darker each time.

OVULATION TESTS: Ovulation tests are great for women who would like to know their ovulation date for sure and be better at targeting their conception. The ovulation tests are the simplest way for the egg meets the sperm method. We know it can be hard to plan your intimate moments with your other half. Give yourself the confidence to do it when you and your partner are ready. If you are ovulating your LH level will be highest and the resulting stripe line will be as dark as the control line.

How it works 

Immerse the strip into the urine. Take the strip out after a minimum of 15 seconds and lay the strip flat. Read the results in the first 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the test is not valid.